​Please note: Internship applications are closed for 2023. Apply now for 2024.
To do our work, we rely on the amazing donations of both individuals and companies who believe in us, and our mission to create a more just and equal world. Please consider making a donation or becoming a funding partner. This is the BEST way to support us!
Account Name:
The Edmund Rice Justice Desk
Account Number: 1151755834
Bank: Nedbank Limited
Branch Name: Constantia, Cape Town
Branch Code: 101109 or 198765 (generic code)
International Banking Code: NEDSZAJJ
Email: info@justicedesk.org

Justice Desk Africa communicates its mission clearly to all its stakeholders so that everyone understands its goals and works toward a common purpose.
I am in awe of the commitment to change and their relentless pursuit of creating awareness and the collective consciousness of human rights and human dignity.
Without a doubt the most incredible NGO in SA.
An organization that is doing everything it can to protect and advocate for human rights