Justice Desk Africa’s team visited Zambia in September to spend time with our Youth Ambassador schools and conduct trainings with rural communities and local organisations in Lusaka, Mazabuka, Livingstone, and Mongu. Together, we explored Human Rights, justice, and how to become powerful agents of change. Our team was made up of our Founding CEO Jessica Dewhurst, Mbokodo Program Coordinator Liaan Papier, and iNtsika Program Coordinator Lerato Kosi.
Justice Desk Africa has been in Zambia since 2015 and since then, our Zambian Everyday Activists have changed so many lives!
The first stop was a Human Rights training with the incredible Justice Society at St. Edmund’s Secondary School in Mazabuka, which focused on moving from knowledge to action.
These young leaders already know all about their Human and Children’s Rights, now it’s about empowering them to implement real change. We explored practical steps to turn their ideas into impactful campaigns for justice.
We had an amazing visit to Changa Changa Primary School in Mazabuka, a proud Justice Desk Africa school for over 8 years. We held engaging Human Rights and Children’s Rights trainings with students from grades 5-7, sparking inspiring conversations about advocacy. We encouraged these young leaders to join in future campaigns and stand up for justice in their communities.
From there we traveled on to Livingstone, to see our Justice Society at St. Rafael’s Secondary School. We focused on Human Rights and justice trainings. We looked at what values an activist should have, and provided guidance while they also worked on their campaigns.
The next stop was Mongu, where we conducted a Human Rights training with the Western Cluster, made up of different Christian Brother members and staff members, who work in various development projects in rural Zambia. We will continue to do online trainings with them on Gender-Based Violence. We also met with the SDG Local Community group for a training in Human Rights and justice.
Before heading back to Lusaka to fly home, we visited St. John’s Secondary School to meet their Justice Society and conduct Children’s and Human Rights trainings.

From classrooms to community halls, we witnessed the strength, resilience, and passion of our Zambian family. We are endlessly inspired by the dedication of those we met. This is what change looks like–and we can’t wait to continue the journey together!